Fossil Exit
Meridian-Podcast Interview: "Global cooperation for the post-fossil age“
Fossil Exit
5 min.

On June 13, an interview with Alexandra Krumm, co-academic coordinator of the TRAJECTS European Hub, was published as part of the Meridian Podcast by the Berlin University Alliance. In this interview, Alexandra Krumm spoke with Philipp Eins about the work of TRAJECTS in international cooperation and the global coal phase-out.

The interview centers around the following questions: What do international dependencies look like? How can the energy transition be designed to ensure that the phase-out of fossil fuels succeeds globally? How was the coal phase-out in Germany organized, and how can other countries benefit from this knowledge? How are fossil fuels discussed in other contexts, and what can Germany learn from them?

The interview highlights the complexity of global phase-outs and the highly context-specific challenges and opportunities in regions. Alexandra Krumm emphasizes the role of participatory elements in phase-out processes to achieve a just transition. She particularly underscores the importance of civil society organizations and communities in shaping the future of their regions.

In this context, she points out the work of TRAJECTS in supporting capacity building through international scholarships and facilitating knowledge exchange between different actors. She underscores the importance of international cooperation projects in addressing climate change, given the noticeable effects of it worldwide, and the continued growth in fossil fuel consumption despite immense societal and political pressure.

Listen to this interview (in German):
On Spotify:
On Apple Podcast:

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